Torres del Paine part 4

Random rain drops were falling all night just sufficient to damp my tent but at least there was no wind. We moved on immediately in the morning because our water supplies were over and there was no river close by. After approximately twenty minutes we came across a big river and stopped for a snack with whatever was left from our supplies. … »

Torres del Paine part 3

This morning I woke up to look at the sunrise even earlier than before - at 5 am. I climbed the path up to the rock named Marador and settled waiting for the sun to color the peaks. That happened quite soon but lasted only for about fifteen minutes since couple of clouds appeared and hid the morning light. I went down to the camping where I noticed that the food bags of the French, hanged not high above the ground were scattered around. Then, I went to sleep in order to get some more rest. … »

Torres del Paine part 2

At five and half I woke up to wait for the sunrise but it turned out that I was a little late so I missed it. After taking more photographs I had to take the tough decision whether to go to the glacier itself that meant 5 more kilometers ahead and back or to go on. I began walking back and forth but in the end I threw my rucksack in the bushes and headed for the glacier. … »

Torres del Paine чaст 1

At 8:25 in the morning I fell into rank by the road and began waiting for Andreas. He showed up not more than 6-7 minutes later with a notorious German punctuality and we turned our steps to the park. His Jeep was good (its rent was naturally expensive and the fuel’s costs were great) and it was flying over the gravel roads with an inspiring speed. … »

Rio Grande - Puerto Natales

I?ve stayed at Rio Grande for longer time than I had expected. Fernando and Adrian?s flats turned out to be very comfortable and I really didn?t want to leave but naturally we had to bid farewell in the end. I flung the luggage over my shoulder and went to the other exit of the town that was even more distant than the one from the direction of Ushuaia. … »

Tierra del Fuego

Tierra del Fuego or Land of Fire in Bulgarian. This is an island situated at the most southern part of Argentina and Chille and as you have understood it can be reached with a ferry through the Strait of Magellan. The name of the island derives from the period when the first European colonizers have won its shore. … »

Fin del Mundo

In spite of the fact that the mattress on Carolina’s floor was comfortable I could not sleep very well that night… or more exactly morning. I don’t know why but some subconscious uneasiness was bothering my sleep: when would Carolina and the others at her place get up, if I would be able to leave on time… … »