Torres del Paine part 3
This morning I woke up to look at the sunrise even earlier than before - at 5 am. I climbed the path up to the rock named Marador and settled waiting for the sun to color the peaks. That happened quite soon but lasted only for about fifteen minutes since couple of clouds appeared and hid the morning light. I went down to the camping where I noticed that the food bags of the French, hanged not high above the ground were scattered around. Then, I went to sleep in order to get some more rest.
When I woke up at last I talked with the Polish and it turned out that a fox was the cause of the scattered bags and the man even showed me shootings of the event. As a matter of fact the fox has come even twice - apparently the first time was not enough and she was still hungry so it passed once again in order to fill better its belly.
The other French couple - Rejis and Virginie were heading my direction and considered sleeping over at half the way between the two campings since the total distance till the last free camping is too large for a single day’s march. Therefore, I joined them and we started our descent. It turned out that that they met Alex and Esterelia in Punta Arenas where they spent a day with them, after which together they reached the parc.
Although, when we arrived at the first paid camping we expected to come across a shop, we found out that such did not exist. More precisely, there was none similar to the one from the previous camping, from where I bought some bread. BAD. My food supplies were highly insufficient for the coming 2 days - no bread, half a small cake, a chocolate bar, a little “dulce de leche” and some almonds shared by the Polish guys. In the camping there was some bread but they were trying to sell it to me for 5000 pesos, which is around 10 dollars in contrast to 1000 in the previous camping. Naturally, I didn’t succumb to this offer and we moved on. Somewhere half the distance to the other camping we found a good place to set our tents and settled for the night. This time the tent was necessary since we were very close to the mountainsides, where heavy clouds were crawling and occasional showers were common. Not enough to name it rain, but absolutely enough to avoid the sleeping bag.
Rejis and Vivi decided they had excess of soups and shared one with me, which helped me make it through the night. Next day at the following camping I would deal with that problem. Hopefully there will be bread at a normal price.
After both of my companions went to bed, I decided to climb up the steep hill close by. It was all in all masochistic useless activity - nothing more than a couple of remote lakes added to the ones that already consisted the entire panorama downhills.
26 Jan 2010 @ 13:23
Леле, невероятни снимки! Убийствени са просто! Малко бях те изпуснала от очи, но като гледам добре си се движил през това време. Интересно как са минали празниците.
16 Jan 2010 @ 00:29
Винаги е удоволствие да намина от тук
Успех нататък!
16 Jan 2010 @ 00:27
Винаги е удоволствие да намина тук:) Успех нататък!
11 Jan 2010 @ 16:42
Попътен вятър, мечтателю
29 Dec 2009 @ 15:15
Успех в начинанието. Изпитвам благородна завист за това, което си предприел. Пожелавам ти да можеш да обиколиш навсякъде, както си планирал. И най-важното ти си ЧОВЕК с главни букви малко са хората, които биха изоставили престижна и добре платена работа за да осъществят мечтата си. С интерес и нетърпение ще очаквам да чета всичко, което си публикувал тук. Успех и попътен вятър.
Бате Борко
28 Dec 2009 @ 15:45
Прекрасни места!
Браво за снимките!
27 Dec 2009 @ 18:14
Има една реклама “Keep walking…johny walker”.Пожелавам ти да не спираш да правиш това,което обичаш
26 Dec 2009 @ 20:18
Bravos,4ove4e.Vesela Koleda mnogo zdrave i mnogo yspehi
23 Dec 2009 @ 12:18
Много радваш, ВЕСЕЛА КОЛЕДА, и късмет.
23 Dec 2009 @ 11:31
Направо ми спира дъха като гледам пейзажите !ВЕСЕЛА КОЛЕДА , пътешественико !
23 Dec 2009 @ 08:37
Браво! Много се радвам на сводките ти…. Мерси, че ни направи съпричастни! Успех нататък!
22 Dec 2009 @ 21:40
Николай Цветков
22 Dec 2009 @ 15:36
Може ли да кажеш какви са храстите с червените цветове, които неизменно присъстват на последните снимки? Ако може - една снимка отблизо.
22 Dec 2009 @ 13:40
снимка #11 е просто неземна!
Radoslav Orachev
22 Dec 2009 @ 13:22
prodyljavai vse taka
22 Dec 2009 @ 12:04